Real Cancer Options

I’ve been enjoying the posts at “CA cure” on the WordPress site. Yet, I’ve been finding very few people–including physicians–who are knowledgeable about the cancer Metabolic Model. Nobel laureate Dr. Otto Warburg did the breakthrough work nearly a century ago, and recent elaboration of his work has yielded some extremely important findings, as well as possible modalities consistent with those findings.

This is especially important as we’ve come to see that Orthodox Treatment (in the Oncology discipline) is more or less WORTHLESS, and typically translates to a very noxious–even life-threatening–impact on the patient. We already knew that orthodox treatment did not necessarily extend life expectancy, and could be a “very rough road to hoe.”

I’d be happy to share some articles and books on this subject.


(BTW, why is there no provision for leaving my comment on the “CA cure” page?!!)

Critical Thinking Can be Controversial, but Fun? (via The Gadfly)

What’s not to like? Critical thinking and wit.

When someone finds out I teach at Santa Rosa Junior College, it’s common to hear among their words an ambivalent sense of respect and skepticism. Most persons I meet obviously respect what I and my colleagues do. But many seem to question how we do it. Among other things, it's common to hear about biased faculty. Unfortunately, this allegation often is heard from individuals who haven't taken a class, but it's also heard from reasonable sounding … Read More

via The Gadfly

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